25 April 2024

Replacement of original parts

Reverse engineering and manufacturing of technical assemblies in the absence of any documentation

Ancien et nouveau corps de d'aspersion / Old and new spray body
Ancien et nouveau corps de d'aspersion / Old and new spray body

When the essential parts of old equipment become unobtainable, APC brings its knowledge of materials, their properties and their implementation to produce new original parts.

A few weeks before a new bottling campaign for its latest wines, the “Dominique Massin” champagne house must repair its bottle washers which suffered badly last year. The central part of the machines, the spray body is now impossible to find, and the operator has no documentation of this essential technical assembly. APC takes up the challenge: identification of raw materials, characterization of operating constraints, reverse engineering, production and assembly of new assemblies and finally creation of technical documentation, all this in just a few weeks. The D. Massin house can now concentrate calmly on preparing its new campaign.


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